What happens at an Annual Hearing Aid Check?

While almost all our patients come twice yearly for routine appointments to maintain optimal performance of their hearing aids, the bare minimum is one annual appointment.

This annual appointment is absolutely necessary to ensure that your hearing aids are functioning correctly, are programmed properly, and to monitor your hearing loss.

• When you first come in, you’ll be asked to fill out a questionnaire going over medical history updates and if there are any concerns with the fit and performance of your hearing aids.
• While you’re filling out your questionnaire, your hearing aids will be thoroughly cleaned and put through our Redux system.


• You’ll then meet with one of our Doctors of Audiology for a hearing evaluation to measure any changes in your hearing and update your hearing aid programming prescription.
• An electroacoustic analysis of your hearing aids will be completed to verify they are working like they did when they were brand new. If they are malfunctioning and an in-office repair doesn’t resolve the issue, we will send the aids to the manufacturer for repair and program loaner hearing aids as needed.
• Once we know your hearing aids are working like new, real ear measurements will be completed to verify that your hearing aids are set to the correct targets for soft, medium, and loud sounds based on your demographics and updated hearing thresholds.
• Lastly, your hearing aids will be put in our hearing instrument test box to measure the output of the devices at your settings for future reference.

what to expect at your next annual appointment

What if I think I’m not hearing as well as I used to with my hearing aids?

After everything else is completed, if your hearing has changed significantly or you feel that you’re not hearing as well as you were, we may also test your hearing ability in noise while wearing your hearing aids.

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If your scores are significantly lower than they used to be or your effort is much higher, we may suggest an assistive listening device, such as a remote microphone or updated hearing technology.

We will then retest your hearing ability in noise with the recommended assistive device to verify improvement before you invest in the technology.

After your appointment, you’ll leave feeling confident that your hearing aids are functioning optimally for your specific individual needs.

Why getting annual hearing aid check is important

Annual hearing aid checks are important for several reasons:

Ensures Proper Functioning: Hearing aids are complex devices that can sometimes experience issues, such as wear and tear, clogged microphones or speakers, or battery problems. Regular checks can help ensure that your hearing aids are working correctly and efficiently.

Adjust to Hearing Changes: Your hearing can change over time, and hearing aids may need to be adjusted to accommodate these changes. An annual hearing aid check can help determine if any adjustments need to be made to improve your hearing aid’s effectiveness.

Prevent Further Damage: Regular hearing aid checks can help identify any potential problems early on, preventing further damage and potentially costly repairs.

Stay Updated with Technology: Hearing aid technology is constantly evolving, and annual checks can ensure that your hearing aids are up-to-date and working at optimal performance. You may even be able to upgrade to a newer model or take advantage of new features.

Overall, annual hearing aid checks are an important part of maintaining your hearing health and ensuring that your hearing aids are functioning correctly. It’s essential to schedule regular check-ups with your audiologist or hearing healthcare professional to get the most out of your hearing aids.

Schedule Your Annual Hearing Aid Check Today

If you would like to schedule an annual hearing aid check at Alabama Hearing, please call us at 256-319-4327 or submit a contact request, and we will reach you at our earliest availability.

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Dr. Susan Sheehy

Dr. Sheehy earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in audiology at the University of Alabama before beginning her career as a clinical audiologist in Huntsville. In 2005, she received her doctorate in audiology from Salus University. Dr. Sheehy is one of a specialized subset of audiologists certified in tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT). By appointment from the governor, she has served as a member and chairperson of the Alabama Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.