Hearing Aid Services in Alabama

Selection of the right hearing aids for your level of hearing loss and lifestyle is crucial in allowing you to successfully reconnect with family and friends.  Purchasing a hearing aid that does not meet your listening needs may result in continued difficulties communicating, and selecting one that isn’t right for your lifestyle can cause frustration.  

Our skilled audiologists at Alabama Hearing Associates will ensure you select the best hearing aid technology for you, beginning with thorough testing that allows us to understand your unique level of hearing loss.  We then provide expert assistance in choosing a hearing aid, accurately fit your devices using real-ear measurements, and instruct you as to how to best care for your investment.  Our commitment to best practices ensures the very best possible outcome for our patients! 

Hearing Aid Selection

Alabama Hearing Associates has been the best choice for hearing healthcare since 2002, offering the highest quality hearing aid products to meet the many needs of our patients. The advanced prescription hearing aid technology we provide includes reputable brand names such as ReSound, Oticon, Phonak, Lyric, Starkey, Widex, Signia, and Unitron.



Our audiologists will work with you to identify the best prescription hearing aid for your specific hearing loss and listening needs by implementing our “Connect 365” Treatment Plan. Your preferences and lifestyle are important to us because we realize that hearing aids need to be comfortable and convenient for a successful hearing outcome. If you are ready to select a hearing aid, contact Alabama Hearing Associates, so one of our knowledgeable audiologists can help you confidently pick the device that is right for you!

Hearing Aid Styles

Recognizing that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work with something as personal as your hearing, Alabama Hearing Associates offers a variety of hearing aid styles, ranging from behind-the-ear (BTE) to invisible-in-the-canal (IIC), with many options in between. Maybe your top priority is having a hearing aid that is not noticeable. Or, you might be most concerned about the ease with which the battery can be changed. Alternatively, you may want a device that will last for years and can be reprogrammed as your hearing diminishes. In any of these cases, we have a hearing aid that meets your individual needs.

Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)

Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC) hearing aids are custom-made and are considered mostly invisible, only having a small “handle” on the side for insertion and removal. They are often desired by people who would like their hearing aids to be discreet, and they come in a variety of color choices to match skin tones. Though they are known for having good sound quality, their small size can make them difficult to handle, and the smaller batteries used tend to have a shorter life. CIC hearing aids are best for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.

In-the-Canal (ITC)

In-the-Canal (ITC) hearing aids are custom-fit and can be made in skin-matching colors so they appear as a part of your ear.  Though larger than CIC hearing aids, ITC hearing aids are still discreet.  They are easy to insert and remove, and their larger batteries yield a longer battery life. ITC hearing aids are best for those with mild to mildly severe hearing loss, and are especially desirable for those whose hearing loss is continuing to progress.

In-the-Ear (ITE)

In-the-Ear (ITE) hearing aids are easy to insert and remove.  Like other types of hearing aids, skin-matching colors allow them to appear as if they are part of your ear, even though they are larger than CIC and ITC devices.  This type of hearing aid is best for those with mild to mildly severe hearing loss. Overall, ITE hearing aids are considered easy to use and offer many features, including multi-directional microphones and rechargeable batteries with longer-lasting battery life.

Behind-the-Ear (BTE)

Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aids are for those with moderate to severe hearing loss. These devices are placed discreetly behind the ear with a clear plastic tube sending amplified sound into the canal.  Although appropriate for patients of any age, these are often highly recommended for small children, and have manual controls and rechargeable batteries.

Hearing Aid Fitting

Although choosing the right hearing aid is a very important step in your journey to better hearing, the hearing aid fitting appointment is just as crucial.  Having your new devices accurately programmed – regardless of make or model – is vital in ensuring you achieve the best possible listening experience for your specific hearing loss. In addition, long-term hearing aid satisfaction is more likely when the hearing aids are properly fit in the beginning.  

At Alabama Hearing Associates, our audiologists use real-ear measurement (REM), which is the best practice for fitting your new hearing aids.  Not all practices take the time to conduct real-ear measurements, but they should.  Our hearing aid fitting process verifies your hearing aid is properly programmed for your unique hearing loss, and functions comfortably for your specific listening needs.  

What are real ear measurements?

Real-ear measurements are an effective way to verify your hearing aids are working optimally for your hearing loss.  Our audiologists will first remove any wax from your ear and then place a probe microphone in your ear canal to start making measurements.  The new hearing aid will then be inserted and more measurements will be collected, the results of which are compared to specific targets.  Your audiologist will use this information to make incremental changes to the programming of your hearing aid so that the sounds you hear meet the targeted goals, ensuring your listening experience is comfortable.  The real-ear measurement process is key in verifying that your hearing aid is tailored to your specific listening needs, so you can hear clearly.

Why is a real ear measurement important?

If your hearing aids are not programmed properly for your unique hearing loss, they will not provide you the listening experience you desire.  People who purchase over-the-counter hearing aids generally do not receive real-ear measurement, and as a result, they may find the devices don’t work as well as they had hoped.   


Our goal is for you to want to wear your new hearing aids because they work well and help you communicate with your loved ones. Conducting real-ear measurement is the best practice to verify your new hearing aid is programmed appropriately for your unique hearing loss, allowing you a comfortable listening experience.  At Alabama Hearing Associates, we take the time to make the incremental adjustments identified through the real-ear measurement process, ensuring you receive the correct amount of amplification with your new devices.  Our thorough approach helps us make certain you are satisfied with the way your hearing aids are programmed.  

What is a hearing aid fitting?

Once your hearing aids have arrived, you will have an appointment with your audiologist to have them fitted. During this appointment, your hearing aids are programmed appropriately for your unique hearing loss.  At Alabama Hearing Associates, our audiologists use real ear-measurement (REM) to fit your new hearing aids, which is the best practice to ensure long-term hearing aid satisfaction.  Measurements are made using a probe microphone, allowing incremental adjustments to the programming of your new device.  This helps ensure you will be satisfied with the way the hearing aids work at all sound levels and in various environments.

Hearing Aid Programming and Adjustments

At Alabama Hearing Associates, our work doesn’t end the day your new hearing aid arrives.  Instead, we are focused on ensuring your hearing aid works properly for your listening needs throughout the life of the device.  We conduct thorough programming using real-ear measurement to ensure you are able to comfortably listen to soft, medium, and loud sounds, both on day one and at routine checkups. Adjustments are made throughout the lifetime of the hearing aid, so you continue to hear optimally. 

Preventative maintenance is vital, so you don’t encounter an issue in which your hearing aid stops working abruptly. We offer the “Continued Care and Coverage” plan for this reason and find it prevents unnecessary manufacturer repairs. 

Alabama Hearing Associates is with you every step of your hearing journey!

How long does it take to program a hearing aid?

Alabama Hearing Associates follows best practices for programming a hearing aid. Our goal is to ensure that your device is providing you with the right listening experience for your level of hearing loss.  Our audiologists verify the device fits comfortably and provides the correct amplification using the real ear measurement (REM) method.  Incremental adjustments are made, resulting in the hearing aid producing the right sounds for your listening needs. Overall, the appointment takes approximately 1 hour. Upon completion, you will feel confident that your hearing aid is performing optimally for you. 

How do I change the program on my hearing aid?

If you have noticed your hearing aid is no longer providing the listening experience it did originally, you may need to have the device reprogrammed.  Hearing loss tends to progress over time, so your hearing aids will likely need to be adjusted periodically.  Our audiologists can accurately reprogram your hearing aids so they perform optimally for your current hearing needs.  

What does it mean to program a hearing aid?

The best hearing aid available won’t work properly if it hasn’t been programmed correctly for your individual hearing loss.  Programming involves making incremental adjustments in response to the results of real ear measurements. The acoustics of your ear are measured while you listen to speech in noise and then the hearing aid programming is adjusted to optimize the soft, medium, and loud sounds you hear. Ensuring your hearing aids are fully functioning and optimized to your individual needs is an essential part of our process.  Programming with real ear measurements is vital to your satisfaction with your hearing aid.

Hearing Aid Repairs

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As with any technological device, hearing aids sometimes require repair. Considering these devices are worn 10+ hours per day, 7 days a week in an environment that is warm and humid, this is not surprising.  

Should your hearing aid have an issue that you are not able to resolve on your own, call Alabama Hearing Associates and schedule a “Drop-Off Repair and Recovery.”  Didn’t buy your hearing aids at our clinic?  No problem!  We are happy to accept all repairs, regardless of whether you purchased your hearing aids with us, or somewhere else.  

Our “Drop-Off Repair and Recovery” is easy and convenient.  We will conduct a thorough cleaning of your hearing aids, removing any debris or wax that may be causing issues.   All moisture will be removed using our Redux system.  Moisture is the top reason hearing aids are sent back to the manufacturer for repair, but with our Redux system we often avoid the need to send the hearing aids out.  Finally, we will run an electroacoustic analysis (EAA), which allows us to understand any malfunction that may be occurring. If possible, we will fix the problem in-house. In some cases, however, a device cannot be repaired in our office and we need to send it to the manufacturer for service.  

The cost for our “Drop-Off Repair and Recovery” service is $129, but is also included as part of our “Continued Care & Coverage Plan.” Even those who purchased hearing aids from another clinic are welcome to be part of our preventative maintenance plan!

Follow Up and Maintenance

Just as your hearing loss didn’t occur overnight, achieving optimal hearing will not happen immediately.  At Alabama Hearing Associates, we recognize better hearing is a journey, and therefore recommend you make 2-4 follow-up visit appointments where you can share how the hearing aids are working for you with regards to fit, sound quality, and listening comfort.  We will address any issues you are experiencing at these appointments, including making appropriate programming adjustments.  This follow-up care is important to ensure your new hearing aids are working optimally for your needs.  

We also offer our “Continued Care & Coverage Plan,” so that you are supported on your hearing journey throughout the entire year.  Maintenance of your devices, including moisture removal with our Redux system, is a key component of this plan.  The plan also allows you to have access to our “speed of light” repair specialists, should you encounter any issues. 

Prevent hearing aid failure through proper follow-up care and maintenance so you can always hear your friends and family clearly!

Alabama Hearing Associates Hearing Aid Services 

At Alabama Hearing Associates, we recognize that hearing loss is an important healthcare issue and appropriate treatment is vital, not only to improve communication, but also to prevent other health issues, such as cognitive decline.  

Identifying the right hearing aid for your needs requires thorough testing to understand your ability to hear in a real-world environment.  That is why our skilled audiologists go beyond the basic “beep beep” hearing test to evaluate your capability for listening in noise.  

Our expertise on the latest products and research will guide you through the process of choosing a hearing aid, and our audiologists are trained using best practices to ensure your devices are properly fit and programmed.  But our care doesn’t end there!  Follow-up and maintenance of your hearing aids are critical, and are always a priority at Alabama Hearing Associates.  

Ready to start your journey to better hearing?  Call Alabama Hearing Associates for an appointment today!

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