Patient Stories
‘The world was a new place for me’
“About 7 years ago, I began to realize I was saying ‘What?’ a lot when others spoke to me. I couldn’t catch every word on the TV, and I avoided calling my family who all live in other states because I wasn’t able to understand every word over the phone. I began to notice I was interacting with co-workers less and less. When my husband became frustrated with always repeating himself when he spoke to me, I finally went for a hearing test.
“The only person I knew with a hearing aid was my mother. Her hearing was not much improved by it and it was very noticeable. In fact, she preferred not to wear it. I really didn’t want to go through the same thing. I definitely didn’t want others to know I had hearing aids. It somehow ages you – so I thought. So I put off even looking into it.
“I did visit another clinic in Huntsville and I had a hearing test – inside a soundproof room with a headset on, simply indicate when you hear a sound. After that, I was fitted for a Phonak hearing aid. I thought that was very easy. And once I walked outside with them in my ears, I was amazed at the sounds I could hear.
“But during the time I used them, I still had trouble deciphering certain words. And in a crowded restaurant with loads of background noise, they were basically no help at all. When they wore out, I didn’t even think of going back for another pair.
“I was talking with a co-worker one day and she told me she had hearing aids. She is younger than I am by about 15 years. I asked her where she went and she gave me a card for Alabama Hearing Associates. That card was on my refrigerator for 5 years before I finally decided I had to do something. I was withdrawing more and more. It was time to try again.
“The staff and doctors were so nice. Professional and interested in helping ME. No cookie cutter hearing aid. They promised a set of tests that would give me the best chance to hear AND understand what others were saying.
“The first week I had the hearing aids, the world was a new place for me. I could hear sounds I didn’t know I was missing – like my dog’s nails on a wood floor, the water running into the shower upstairs, birds waiting for the feeders to be put out.
“I called my 96-year-old father in Pennsylvania and talked for an hour with him. I usually sent him email. I can go through the drive-thru at fast food without my granddaughter translating what they said. I’m no longer hesitant about going out to shop alone.
I can participate in conversation when in a restaurant.
“It has been such a positive experience. And no one knows I’m wearing hearing aids. If you believe you’ll feel more confident and enjoy life more if only you could hear what is going on, please don’t wait like I did. Alabama Hearing will make sure you can hear and understand what people are saying to you. It has changed my life!”– Carolyn Seeley
‘I was blown away with Susan’s compassion and helpfulness’
“I realized that I had a hearing loss when I had to ask people to repeat themselves almost all the time. My husband also asked me one night if I could hear the bird outside our bedroom window. I thought he was making a joke, but he was not. I thought that since I could hear ‘fairly’ well and that I wasn’t deaf that I was perhaps over-exaggerating my hearing concerns.
“I didn’t have a problem with needing hearing aids from the cosmetic standpoint, but I just didn’t want to be spending a lot of money on something that wasn’t absolutely necessary. I initially went to my ENT for a hearing test and they confirmed that I had high-end hearing loss. The audiologist that saw me was less than helpful and condescending. She also told me my only option was an outrageously expensive set of hearing aids.
“So I went online to do my own research. I ended up ordering a pair online, and the online company referred me to Alabama Hearing Associates for the fitting and adjustments. I was blown away with Susan’s compassion and helpfulness. That was years ago and I have been a highly satisfied client ever since. I could not have been more pleased.
“The care I receive, and continue to receive, is top notch. When I left the office for the first time with my new hearing aids, I was simply amazed at all the sounds I had been missing. It was like putting on a pair of glasses for the first time and seeing everything clearly.
“In my work in healthcare, it has been a lifesaver to be able to hear clearly what others are saying to me. Would I recommend Alabama Hearing? Absolutely, without question. You need to visit them. You will not regret it.”
– Diana Dowdy
‘Better hearing has returned my life to normal’
“My husband kept telling me I needed to do something. I kept asking him to repeat himself. But when I finally admitted I needed help was when I noticed I wasn’t hearing my customers. I was constantly asking them to repeat themselves and it became embarrassing.
“I had seen people through the years take their hearing aids out in noisy situations. But actually I didn’t have that many concerns, because my husband had gone to Alabama Hearing Associates a few years back. I had seen firsthand how they helped him.
“He is completely deaf in one ear and was hearing better than me with only one hearing aid! He never had to take it out or had any problems. I’m embarrassed to admit it now, but my biggest concern was that people would notice the hearing aids. They didn’t, of course, and it doesn’t bother me at all if they do. In fact, I find myself telling people I have them!
“I never thought of going anywhere else, because that’s where my husband went – to Alabama Hearing. They helped him so much that I knew I couldn’t do better anywhere else. My first impression was that they were true hearing specialists and really cared about their patients.
“Now, I can follow along with conversations much better. For the most part, I can hear my customers really well. I’m not embarrassing myself anymore because I can’t hear. My hearing is not perfect compared to 20 years ago, but it’s the best it can be. I’m not just tuning people out because I can’t understand them anymore. Better hearing has returned my life to normal.
“If you are thinking of making an appointment, you will not be sorry. They will make sure you are hearing the best that you possibly can. All the staff is friendly and helpful. You will not find anyone who will work harder and longer to help you hear.”
– Janice Hudgens
‘Life is so much more enjoyable’
“I became concerned about my hearing when I started not hearing the doorbell ring when I was in the bedroom. My sons noticed and said, ‘Mom, you don’t hear anything!’
“Then I realized I didn’t understand what was being said in Mass many times or in restaurants. I was a little embarrassed to admit I had a hearing problem. I felt that hearing aids are for old people not 40-something-year olds, even though I knew they would help me hear what I was missing.
“Alabama Hearing was the first clinic I visited. The doctors had so many wonderful reviews from other patients on the Internet, so I decided to try them. Plus, their office was convenient for me to get to. I felt Dr. Jan Liles was very professional, took lots of time with me, explained everything as we went along, and she really wanted to help me hear to my best possible level. She was very kind.
“Life is so much more enjoyable being able to hear conversations, little things like birds singing, and every single instrument being played in songs on the stereo or car radio.
“Please go see Dr. Jan Liles and Dr. Susan Sheehy to have your hearing checked and get the hearing aids that are right for you. This world has so many beautiful sounds you may have been missing out on hearing. You will be glad you did!”
– Jeannie Anderson
‘Having better hearing has tremendously changed my life’
“I started having hearing challenges in 2003. I was still working at that time and I was concerned how colleagues might respond to my situation. Dr. Susan was the first audiologist I saw. I heard the advertisement on the radio.
“My first appointment with her was very positive and this was important to me. Dr. Susan was genuinely understanding my hearing problems.
“Having better hearing has tremendously changed my life, especially when communicating with my 9 grandkids. Also the ability to hear music and being able to hear in crowded places.
“If you’re thinking of making an appointment with Alabama Hearing, go tomorrow. Don’t waste time just thinking about it. Your hearing will not improve on its own.”
– John (Jack) L. Smith
‘My life has dramatically improved since I can hear’
“I realized I had a hearing problem when I was in a meeting with two co-workers. I could not understand what they were saying. At home, I had trouble hearing my husband and the TV.
“Prior to my first appointment at Alabama Hearing, I had no fears. My father has used hearing aids for over 40 years. My brother-in-law and father are clients of theirs and recommended I get an appointment.
“I found that the staff was pleasant. I did not realize how bad my hearing was and how much I was missing out on. My life has dramatically improved since I can hear. My home life is improved now that I can hear and understand my family. I am a better employee since I can hear in meetings and co-worker interactions. I can enjoy music.
“Please get your hearing checked. It can be difficult when you first get your hearing aids because you can hear everything! Please work through it. Some people say hearing aids are for old people. I say not hearing is for old people!”
– Julie Brown
‘I never knew I was missing so much!’
“A few years ago, I realized I couldn’t hear the students sitting in the back of my classroom. At first, I think I was in denial. In fact, I couldn’t believe that I needed hearing aids at my age.
“Alabama Hearing Associates were highly recommended by a trusted friend, and I was not very happy with the first clinic I went to. My first impressions of AHA were that they were very compassionate and took the time to listen to me. Their patience and excellent treatment plan calmed my fears about my hearing loss and getting hearing aids.
“Now, I can hear my husband better, the television, conversation in restaurants, my grandchildren, music! I never knew I was missing so much!!!
“If you are concerned about your hearing, then run there!!! Don’t hesitate! Getting hearing aids has changed my life. Sure, it is an adjustment, but the payoff is certainly worth it!”
– Karen L. Young
‘Very professional and explained everything very clearly’
“I was attending a lectureship and realized that I could not hear what was being said. I knew my hubby was hard of hearing, so I leaned over and said, ‘When we return home, we are getting our hearing checked.’
“I guess most people are in denial that they need a hearing aid. I read some article on hearing loss and when it was pointed out that not being able to hear was not good for the elderly, I decided it was time to explore.
“Alabama Hearing was recommended by a friend. We saw Dr. Susan Sheehy. She was very professional and explained everything very clearly. If you or someone you know is struggling with their hearing, I would highly recommend they check Alabama Hearing out!”
– Linda G Romine
‘We are an Alabama Hearing Associates family’
“I first became concerned about my hearing when I was subbing at school and realized there was something about the tone of the children’s voices – I couldn’t distinguish the words. Before my first appointment with Alabama Hearing, I was worried about the cost of the hearing aids. They were recommended my doctor, whom I trust. My first impressions of them were that they were nice, helpful, and answered all questions. With their explanation, there were very few questions.
“It was the best thing I ever did for myself and for those around me. You don’t realize how YOUR hearing loss affects the people around you.
“If you are thinking of making an appointment, do it! I have recommended them to several people, my dad took my advice, and we are an Alabama Hearing Associates family.”
– Monesa (Missy) Andrews
‘I was super impressed with Dr. Jan’s knowledge’
“I was an administrative assistant and started having trouble understanding the words of my attorney on the dictaphone. At first, the cost of hearing aids put me off getting help.
“I went to the Hearing and Speech Clinic and tried several hearing aids and finally gave up. Then, I actually went first to Alabama Hearing with my mom who had moved here from Missouri and needed an adjustment on her existing hearing aids.
“Dr. Jan noticed by the way I talked that I had a severe hearing problem and suggested a cochlear implant. I was super impressed by Dr. Jan’s knowledge and how much she cared about my mom and me. She was not pushy at all but wanted the very best hearing possible for us.
“It is like night and day. After getting a cochlear implant for my right ear in Birmingham, Dr. Jan fitted me with a hearing aid for my left ear. She was extremely patient with me as I adjusted to both devices.
“If you are thinking of making an appointment, then go! Don’t wait! It will change your life.”
-Terrie Gipson
‘The staff makes you feel like family (and not a patient).’
Mary first noticed her hearing loss about six years ago. She admits “pride held me back” from seeking treatment right away.
Eventually, Mary went to an ENT clinic in Florida before moving to Alabama, where she discovered Alabama Hearing Associates by word of mouth. “I was new in town so I asked people in the Huntsville/Madison area, and Alabama Hearing Associates was frequently mentioned,” says Mary.
At her first appointment, she recalls that the staff was “friendly and knowledgeable.” Mary has been happy with her hearing care since then and says hearing aids have “enabled me to participate more fully.”
Giving Alabama Hearing Associates a 10/10 rating, she hopes others will follow her lead. Mary says, “The staff makes you feel like family (and not a patient). The audiologist is knowledgeable as well as professional and takes all the time you need for questions and instruction. She is willing to go the extra mile to solve problems you may be having with software or the hearing instruments.”
-Mary Edewaard
‘I’m so glad I’m now under the care of Alabama Hearing Associates’
Getting hearing aids has been a challenging experience. I’m so glad I’m now under the care of Alabama Hearing Associates who include four Doctors of Audiology. Dr. Susan Sheehy spent two hours doing a battery of comprehensive tests that ended with programming/fitting my hearing aids using Real Ear Measurement.
What a difference, as now I hear much better without occlusion or feedback. At Alabama Hearing Associates they treat your hearing loss and not just dispense hearing aids. I lost faith in the place from which I got my hearing aids, and I visited two other practices and was not impressed.
The effective treatment of hearing loss goes way beyond just dispensing hearing aids, which sadly is what most hearing loss centers do. You can do research by watching Dr. Cliff on YouTube, especially his videos on Real Ear Measurement.
In Alabama Hearing Associates, I finally found a place that adheres to “better practices’ in hearing loss treatment.
– Waldy Cuevas
‘I can finally enjoy a summer evening around the firepit with friends’
Jump to March 2021, when I discovered YouTube videos about how hearing loss and cognition decline are related. Dr. Cliff’s channel in particular, explains a diagnostic technology called the Cognivue Thrive. He also lists providers who use his best practices to thoroughly test your hearing in real life scenarios to develop a comprehensive look at the activity between your ears and your brain. Alabama Hearing Associates is on that list! Working with Dr. Susan at Alabama Hearing Associates is the best decision I’ve ever made.
My first appointment was eye-opening and informative. In addition to the initial beeps and boops test, they take you through an adaptive session of several different types of hearing EXPERIENCES. And that’s what makes hearing loss so difficult, right? It’s the different kinds of situations that confuse your brain, when your ears can’t hear very well. This technology (and Dr. Susan, of course!) tests sound tolerance levels, speech to noise ratios and much more. Once Dr. Susan reviews the results with you, she offers suggestions for all of the different options to improve your life and reach your goals. She takes measurements inside your ears, using cutting-edge sonar technology and begins initial programming with a set of hearing aids. In adjusting the programming, you go back through some of the speech-to-noise testing and can actually see the measurable, quantitative improvements in your hearing.
Finally, you get to decide the level of service you want and the type (and color!) of hearing aids that will be engineered specifically for you. My experience was fantastic! My wife was encouraged to come with me to provide insight into my hearing and cognitive behavior. She was moved to discover how hard my brain had been working to compensate for my hearing loss. She was also impressed with the thorough exam and wealth of information Dr. Susan shared with us. We both know so much more now, and I can finally enjoy a summer evening around the firepit with friends — when I don’t have to struggle to read lips in the dark. Give yourself the gift of a lifetime and make your appointment today!
– Michael Clarke
‘The difference is amazing’
“I became aware of my hearing loss in 2015. I initially put off getting hearing aids because I was concerned about the cost and care of the product. I first visited Athens Hearing Associates, but they were not set up to do a complete hearing aid adjustment. I then decided to visit Alabama Hearing.
“From what I researched, they had professional staff and the proper equipment to adjust the hearing aids to my personal hearing loss problem. My first impressions were that the staff were very professional and friendly, and they were willing to take the time needed to get me setup the right way. Now, there’s no more constantly saying ‘What did you say?’ and I am able to recognize from what direction the noise was coming from. I’m not having to invade other people’s personal space to be able to hear them. I would definitely recommend Alabama Hearing. The difference is amazing.”
– Donald Wright
‘Now, I enjoy talking on the phone’
“I first noticed my hearing loss over ten years ago. I had learned to read lips without realizing I had a hearing loss. At my first appointment, I found the Alabama Hearing staff to be patient and understanding. Now, I enjoy talking on the phone and in group settings. If you are concerned about your hearing, then call them to get answers to your questions!”
– Anita
‘Life is more normal now’
“I first noticed I had a hearing loss when I couldn’t hear in church services like I used to, and also I couldn’t hear the TV at the same volume level that I used to. Prior to my appointment, I didn’t really have any concerns – I had already been exposed to the problem when my wife went through the process of getting hearing aids.
“My wife and I were lucky. Our ENT doctor had a relationship with Alabama Hearing Associates, so the transition to AHA was an easy and logical process. I found the Alabama Hearing staff to be professional, helpful, and they seemed very trustworthy. With my hearing aids, I can hear most things now. Life is more normal now. If you are thinking of getting your hearing tested, by all means go and get checked out. You can trust them!”
-J. Hoyt Johnson
‘They go all out to make you feel comfortable’
“I had been having a gradual hearing loss for 30 years. I delayed treatment, as I wasn’t sure how they would help me.
“Alabama Hearing offers great service and they care about the patient’s hearing. They go all out to make you feel comfortable and explain each process you go through. At my first visit, I was very impressed with the very friendly staff that put you at ease during your visit.
“Life is better now.I can understand more and there’s less asking people to repeat themselves. If you are debating about booking an appointment, don’t hesitate. They can help you to hear better and put your mind at ease as to how things will improve.”
– Pasquale Traglia
‘They were professional and happy to explain what they were doing’
“I first starting having hearing challenges 25 years ago (1996). I was a noise control engineer by education and practice and was aware of potential problems.
“I had dealt with another clinic but was not happy with their approach. Then I tried AHA and was impressed by their dealing with me. They were professional and happy to explain what they were doing, and from my work in dealing with noisy situations and my understanding, I realized they knew what they were doing.
“My hearing care makes life better with my family and especially my wife. Give them a try.”
– Richard Potter
‘Alabama Hearing Associates were the professionals I was looking for’
“My daughters suggested I need one [hearing aid] since I kept asking them to repeat what they were saying to me. I wanted to have an expert on hearing assess my hearing status. Alabama Hearing Associates were the professionals I was looking for. They were located in the county that I was residing.
“The doctors and their staff were friendly and easy to talk to.Since I only had a moderate hearing loss,the hearing aid improved my communication with loved ones and also listening to sermons. Also, I do not have to turn the volume of the TV so high anymore. It is good to have experts in this field to assess your hearing status.”
– Zenaida M. Oakes
‘They want to do their part to ensure I have a good quality of life’
“I first realized that I might have a hearing loss when I was having trouble understanding co-workers – I felt like they were mumbling. For me, the biggest challenge was the cost – but I figured it was worth it for quality of life issues. I wanted to continue to be engaged in life to the best of my ability.
“I initially heard of Alabama Hearing from a flyer I received in the mail but stayed because of the caring atmosphere. Also because of discussions about advertisements on radio and TV concerning lower priced hearing aids that were just for the hearing aids, not the additional services I get from Alabama Hearing.
“My first impression was that everyone there cares about how my hearing loss is affecting my everyday life, and they want to do their part to ensure I have a good quality of life. My better hearing has had a positive impact. If you are thinking of visiting them, just do it…it will be a good experience.”
– Debbie Rice
‘They’ve gone above and beyond’
“My mom actually realized that I had a hearing loss when I was 2 or 3years old. I wasn’t worried about it when I was little, but when I got older I did. I was very self-conscious of what others thought of my hearing loss.
“My first clinic was up in New York where I grew up. I learned that the hearing aids were to help me but go against me.
“I was new to the areaand I could tell my hearing loss was getting worse and my doctor recommended Alabama Hearing Associates. I’m so glad she did! I feel comfortable going to Alabama Hearing Associates. Comfort is huge to me. They made me feel comfortable and less nervous. They took the time to listen to me and they’ve gone above and beyond.
“Now, I can hear adults and children who speak softly more clearly. I work at an elementary school and it was a challenge for me to hear and understand some of the shy students. I can also hear the little things in everyday life like the crickets and birds.
“I would advise anyone to definitely go see them. They are awesome! They’ve totally changed my life for the better. I went years and years without wearing hearing aids because I was so self-conscious, and it was the best decision of my life to visit Alabama Hearing Associates!”
– Jodie Zalinka
‘They provide a caring service’
“I first became aware of my hearing issues in 1980. I decided to visit Alabama Hearing because of its location and word of mouth. I am very satisfied with them. They provide a caring service. Having better hearing means I’m able to communicate more effectively. If you are thinking of making an appointment, then go with an open mind and be willing to take their advice.”
– Carl Hendrix
‘I cannot imagine life without my hearing aids’
“I became aware of my hearing challenges when I could not hear my baby girl crying in the back bedroom. I was also unable to understand what other people were talking about.
“I first went to Beltone. Beltone tried to sell me hearing aids based on my salary after sizing me up. Alabama Hearing’s location was close to where I work in Madison. Also, it was suggested by an online hearing aid vendor.
“I found their staff to be professional.I cannot imagine life without my hearing aids.
“If you are thinking about getting your hearing checked, ask them about hearing aids that will stream audio! They make a world of difference, especially on the phone.”
– Roy
‘I can now actually have a conversation without trying to read lips’
“I first realized that I had a hearing challenge in 2015. My initial visit to Alabama Hearing Associates was insurance dictated. However, I would have seen no one but a licensed professional, and the reputation of Alabama Hearing Associates is good.
“My first visit was a very thorough exam. With my hearing aids, I now actually can have a conversation without trying to read lips.I have been a patient for about five years and am pleased and thankful for hearing so much better than before my first appointment.”
– Linda Wayne
‘Now, I can turn the TV volume down’
“I realized that I might have a hearing loss when my wife and son kept yelling at me. I didn’t have any concerns before my first appointment, as my mother-in-law was a patient. I found everyone at Alabama Hearing to be professional and thorough. Now, I can turn the TV volume down. I would tell anyone who is worried about their hearing to definitely make an appointment.”
– Don Platt
‘My better hearing has made so much difference’
“I became aware of my hearing loss when I could not hear the clock strike on the hour. I did not want it to get worse. I worked for a medical doctor and knew about her excellent reputation.
“My first impressions were excellent. She spent time explaining what was needed to be done. I had a hearing test. We discussed different hearing aids and needs. She also brought me back frequently to see how things were doing. My better hearing has made so much difference. I don’t miss as much as I did before. I would highly recommend them.”
– Joan Parker
‘I found what I consider the best of the best in Alabama Hearing’
“I tried several others [audiologists] before I found Alabama Hearing. I am Chickasaw Indian and they provided me with free hearing aids, but they were of their choosing and not mine. I tried theirs and they were top of the line aids, but I did not like them and was miserable with them.
“I tried others and nothing worked for me until I found what I consider the best of the best in Alabama Hearing. Never had a bad experience and they treat every customer the way you want to be treated, with respect and dignity. They take good care of me, and the instruments they recommend are top notch. Never had any issue with them or their service.
“I highly recommend them to all my friends. I found them when they were just getting started and they have only gotten better and better. Two very dedicated ladies there that will treat you right always.
“In a word, they are ‘FANTASTIC.’ They take the time they need to make sure you are totally satisfied and happy with their service. You won’t find any that’s better, guaranteed.
“My wife doesn’t fuss at me for saying ‘huh’ anymore (unless I don’t have them on), and I can hear the TV and music clearly. Even take phone calls on my hearing aids. I wear two aids, and before Alabama Hearing, I struggled a lot to hear and generally got it wrong. The TV had to be very loud.
“I lost my hearing to a launch of a Minute Man Missile that pretty much destroyed my hearing totally. Alabama Hearing was able to map my hearing loss and program the aids to fill in those sounds I had not been able to hear in a long time.
“It’s amazing how much you miss when you cannot hear. I would not have been able to hear my grandchildren giggle sitting on my knee if it had not been for the ladies at Alabama Hearing. God Bless them both for giving me my hearing back.
“I would tell anyone who is thinking of making an appointment that this is easy. Make an appointment immediately and get your hearing back. What you are missing is important and you will be glad you did.”
– Ray Hensley
‘They are friendly and supporting’
“I became concerned about my hearing when I suffered an injury to my ear. Prior to my appointment at Alabama Hearing, insurance was my only concern. My doctor referred me to them. My first impression was that they are very attentive. They are friendly and supporting.”
– Luther Hicks III
‘I have nothing but good things to say about the staff at Alabama Hearing Associates’
“My wife noticed my hearing loss before I did. I finally recognized it when I realized I was not understanding what some people were saying in conversation. For instance, we were out for dinner in a noisy restaurant and the server asked me a question. The answer I gave did not relate to the question because I misunderstood what was asked. Also, I realized I had been gradually turning the TV louder to understand what was being said on TV.
“Before my first appointment at Alabama Hearing, I didn’t have any fears or concerns, but I didn’t know much about hearing aids. However, I did some research online about hearing loss and hearing aids. I found quite a few videos by Dr. Cliff Au.D. on YouTube that explained a lot about hearing aids, what to look for, how they worked, etc. ( These were VERY helpful.
“Once my wife and I decided to look into hearing aids, I looked online for recommendations and reviews. Since Alabama Hearing Associates was repeatedly rated very high at many review sites, and they were close to me, I decided to give them a try. I’m very glad I did.
“After reading and watching the Dr. Cliff Au.D. videos, I decided I wanted to see an audiologist, not just somebody who fitted and sold hearing aids. Also, since we travel a lot, we decided to not get my aids at a company where the aids are ‘locked,’ that is, only serviceable by that company (such as Costco). If I had problems with my aids, we wanted to have the option of having my aids serviced by anybody and not have to locate a store from the company that sold me locked aids.
“My first impressions of Alabama Hearing were that they were friendly, professional, and very capable. Now, I’m not as tired after being with other people. Conversations are easier. My stress level is lower. The TV and radio are not nearly as loud, and I rarely have to ask people to repeat themselves. Especially important is that my wife is much happier and less stressed.
“I have nothing but good things to say about the staff at Alabama Hearing Associates. During my first visit, Dr. Jan asked my wife and me quite a few questions to understand our lifestyle, what situations were causing me trouble, and what my wife had been observing about my hearing loss.
“She spent a lot of time explaining what could and couldn’t be done with hearing aids. She is very personable, easy to work with, and is truly concerned about finding the best solution for your situation.”
– Michael Stallcup
‘You have nothing to lose and better hearing to gain’
“I became aware of my hearing challenges in 2005. I delayed treatment because I thought hearing aids would be difficult to handle and get used to.
“Dr. Sheehy was very helpful in assessing my problem and in choosing the right device. They arevery professional and helpful. I can be an active participant in conversations and activities again. I would tell anyone to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and better hearing to gain.”
– Diane C. Anderson
‘Better hearing has been a blessing to me’
“I probably was in my 50s when I began to realize that I had hearing challenges. Because my father had issues with hearing aids and also the cost were factors that held me back from addressing my hearing challenges.
“Alabama Hearing Associates was the first clinic that I visited. It was recommended when I had a hearing test. I was impressed with the thoroughness and care I received. Better hearing has been a blessing to me and has made a tremendous difference in being able to interact with family and friends in a more meaningful way.
“If you are considering making an appointment, do it! It will be a positive change in your life.”
– Miriam Bolton
‘I can hear things that I have not heard in years’
“I became aware of my hearing issues a couple of years ago. The size of the hearing aid and changing of batteries had put me off seeking treatment. My doctor recommend Alabama Hearing. At my first appointment, I was impressed. They were very business-like but very friendly. With my better hearing, I can hear things that I have not heard in years. I’d tell anyone to go there, get a test, and get hearing aids from them.”
– Mark Majewski
‘I don’t have to keep asking “What did you say?”’
“I became aware of my hearing challenges about eight years ago. I hated to think I was losing my hearing. I knew once this happened, it could get worse, so I needed to address it sooner rather than later.
“I visited Alabama Hearing at the recommendation of a good friend. My friend thought they were very professional and recommended them. My first impressions were that they are very professional, caring, and they put me at ease right away.
“Now, I can hear the sermon in church, I can understand my grandchildren so much better, and I don’t have to keep asking ‘What did you say?’ I would tell anyone who is worried about their hearing to go for it! You won’t be sorry.”
– Wilda B. Davis
‘Hearing aids enable me to function normally’
“I became aware of my hearing challenges 25 to 30 years ago. I didn’t have any worries before seeking help – I was just glad help was available. First, I went to an audiologist close to where I lived.
“I don’t remember exactly [how I learned about Alabama Hearing]. I think I attended a meeting concerning hearing loss. Jan Liles was very knowledgeable and helpful. My first impressions were very positive. My hearing loss is pretty severe, so hearing aids enable me to function normally. I’d tell anyone considering an appointment to go for it!”
– Faye Davis
‘The team at Alabama Hearing is awesome and very knowledgeable’
“I realized I had some hearing challenges in 2008. My grandfather and father both wore hearing aids, so Iwas not concerned or worried. I was very pleased at my first appointment.
“Now, I wear Phonak that are Bluetoothed to my smartphone and they are volume controlled. They have clarity that is very important in everyday activity.
“The team at Alabama Hearing is awesome and very knowledgeable on what you need to help your hearing problems.”
– C.A. House
‘I don’t have to have the TV at such a high sound level’
“Suddenly, one day at the golf course, my son-in-law yelled at me and I couldn’t hear him. That was approximately four and 1/2 years ago.
“First, I went to Athens to an audiologist. He said that I had sudden nerve hearing loss. He then gave me two shots into my eardrum to hopefully rectify the problem. That didn’t work.
“I had talked to Dr. Jan and Dr. Susan in the past. I then asked them and they both said that they thought that they could help me. I think that they are GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!
“Now, with my better hearing, I don’t have to have the TV at such a high sound level. I also don’t have to have my wife walk on my left side just so that I can hear her. I’d tell anyone who is experiencing a hearing issue to call them ASAP.”
– Robert L. Tucker, III
‘I have less frustration and embarrassment’
“Over the years, it seemed to get harder to understand people, especially when there was background noise.I found myself in meetings not able to hear the person talking and would just smile and shake my head, actually in denial that I was losing my hearing.
“I made an appointment with an ENT physician. After an examination and discussion, he referred me to a hearing test and that is when I met the team at Alabama Hearing Associates. I had put off seeking help because I thought it could not be my hearing. I not old enough to have hearing loss.
“They were located adjacent to the ENT office where I had my initial medical screening. I found them to be very friendly and knowledgeable. More of a clinical setting verses a fast retail type environment.
“Now, with my better hearing, I have less frustration and embarrassment. I don’t get volunteered to do tasks at work like I did prior to getting my hearing back.
“If you are thinking about making an appointment, relax and don’t hesitate to ask questions and to communicate with the staff. You build a relationship with the doctors, same as with your family health physician.”
– Don Webster
‘I can’t hear perfectly, but I can hear better’
“I noticed issues with my hearing around 2000. I delayed treatment because I didn’t want to wear hearing aids. I found everyone at Alabama Hearing to be professional and thorough. ReSound is compatible with my iPhone. I can’t hear perfectly, but I can hear better. If you are thinking of booking an appointment, do it.”
– Glen Mettler
‘I was very comfortable talking to Dr. Jan’
“I first noticed my hearing challenges in 2000. I put off seeking care because I didn’t want to admit I needed help hearing. A friend recommended Alabama Hearing Associates to me. I was very comfortable talking to Dr. Jan. Better hearing makes me feel more engaged in conversation.
“Another plus for today’s high-tech aids are their ability to stream TV and phone conversations directly into the ear. Believe me, this really helps. If you are having problems hearing ordinary conversations, then I would recommend a visit to Alabama Hearing Associates.”
– John Gibson
‘I realized I was going to get help here’
“I first thought that I might have a hearing challenge when I realized that ‘WHAT?’ was in every sentence that I answered in a conversation. I began trying to guess what people were saying to me.
“I didn’t have social concerns about wearing an aid, but I was frightened by the medical reasons of my loss. How bad was it and what if nothing could be done to help me?
“First, I had gone to an established national hearing aid company in Mobile, AL. It took about an hour to be fitted, and I had a huge hearing aid that was never an answer to my problem. That lasted about 3 months, and I decided it wasn’t worth the effort.
“Honestly, I’m not sure how I discovered Alabama Hearing Associates. Probably an ad on the radio with the added seriousness of my hearing level. Also, my family had grown a little tired of saying everything twice.
“The important thing is that I made the correct decision. I was so at ease the minute I walked in. The Alabama Hearing staff up front were so kind and patient. The consultation with the doctor was not scary, and I realized I was going to get help here.
“When I was fitted with my aids and went home, it was amazing. The first time it rained, I sat on the front porch to listen, and I was in happy tears because I could hear it.
“Even though my hearing is changing, I don’t feel helpless, because I know science is changing too. I can honestly say this group of people will help you change your life for the better.”
– Annie J Bailey
‘Now I enjoy everything more’
“I started noticing a challenge with my hearing about 10 years ago. I had a good recommendation for Alabama Hearing from my daughter. I was very pleased with my first visit. Now I enjoy everything more. If you are considering an appointment, go with an open mind.”
– A. D. Johnson
‘I would absolutely recommend them’
“I first noticed my hearing challenge while seated in my church’s sanctuary. I realized I was not hearing prayer requests that my friends seated next to me were having no problem hearing.
“At first, I was concerned about the expense involved. Fortunately, my insurance plan assisted with that. At the time, Dr. Liles was in the same area as my ENT who made the referral. I was impressed with my ENT and trusted his judgment.
“My first impressions of Alabama Hearing were that it was thorough, helpful, and had friendly doctors and staff. Now, I no longer have to ask many people to repeat what they’ve said.I would absolutely recommend them.”
– Bettye Naler
‘My first impression of them was excellent’
“I first noticed I had a hearing challenge at age 40. At first, I put off getting treatment because I did not want to appear as an old person. Alabama Hearing was recommended to me by a former client. My first impression of them was excellent. Now, my better hearing is a miracle. I would say to anyone that they should definitely make the appointment.”
– Clayton
‘I found them to be professional and caring’
“A regular checkup with my ENT showed loss of hearing in one ear. Being younger and more vain at the time, I was concerned about the sight of hearing aids. Alabama Hearing came highly recommended by a doctor and a friend. At my first appointment, I found them to be professional and caring. Having better hearing helps put me at ease in situations where being able to hear is important. If you are thinking of visiting them, just do it.”
-Peggy Wallace
‘I do not misunderstand what people are saying’
“I became aware of my hearing challenge before I retired from the Army. Probably in 1985-86. At first, not wanting to have to wear hearing aids held me back from seeking treatment. I went to the VA first but did not like the type of hearing aids I got there. They were not comfortable.
“Then a friend referred me to Alabama Hearing. My first impressions were favorable. They were concerned about my hearing loss. Now, with better hearing, I do not have to say ‘huh’ so often or askpeople to repeat themselves. I do not misunderstand what people are saying. If you are wondering about visiting Alabama Hearing, do it immediately if not sooner.
– Gordon Brown
‘Having better hearinghas impacted my life in all ways’
“I would notice my hearing challenges when in a group of people and not picking up all the conversation. With 24 years in the Army and my skills, I expected some hearing loss. I had no fearsprior to my first appointmentbut sort of ignored the problem until I noticed many things that I was missing.
“My referral to Alabama Hearing was from my family doctor. My first experience was met with professionalism and friendliness. I felt comfortable with the experienced personnel. They were professional, thorough, and they made sure to explain and answer my questions.
“Having better hearing has impacted my life in all ways. I’m surprised by the difference of hearing so much more. After during wearing, I may forget they are thereuntil I take them out and then the experience of same noise but lower column and some sounds not clear.
“Delaying [treatment] is a loss to yourself. Go get a thorough examination, hear the results, and find out the options for a solution.”
– Samuel Scherr
‘Better hearing has improved my quality of life greatly’
“I was aware of my hearing challenges much earlier than when I finally sought some help. I’m very glad I ended up at Alabama Hearing Associates. My dad had hearing aids for over 30 years and they gave him nothing but trouble it seemed. When I started asking around, I found out there is a big difference in quality when it comes to hearing aids. I tried the brand my dad used because I was carrying him to his appointments and it was convenient for me.
“Alabama Hearing Associates was highly recommended by an aunt and uncle who had been their patients and did not have the problems my dad had experienced. Everyone is so friendly. And it’s not a put on, they are really friendly, nice, and caring people. Better hearing has improved my quality of life greatly.
“If you are thinking of making an appointment with them, do it! I wish I had visited there first instead of going to the one my dad used. I literally wasted 3 months of my retirement trying an inferior hearing aid before visiting Alabama Hearing Associates.”
– Wayne White
‘I can hear much better now’
“I first noticed my hearing challenges 10 years ago. Friends’ horror stories about batteries turned me off from seeking help. My daughters recommended Alabama Hearing Associates. My first impressions of them were good. I can hear much better now. If you are concerned about your hearing, go now.”
– Elton
‘I have a severe loss andam grateful that technology can help’
“I first noticed challenges with my hearing when I was 16. At my first appointment with Alabama Hearing, I thought everyone was very professional. I have a severe loss and am grateful that technology can help. If you are having trouble with your hearing, get help.”
– Anne Sullivan
‘I thought they were very helpful’
“I first noticed I was having trouble with my hearing at least 15 years ago. I didn’t have any fears or concerns prior to seeking help. My mother and grandmother both had significant hearing loss. First, I went to Hearing and Speech Clinic. Then I came to Alabama Hearing Associates because of a friend’s recommendation. I thought they were very helpful – were quite knowledgeable. Now I’m not concerned about being around people. I would advise anyone with a hearing challenge to tell them your symptoms and your concerns.”
– Murray Castleman
‘The sooner you start, the better’
“I noticed my hearing challenge before August 2010. I chose Alabama Hearing Associates because I wanted to go to a real audiologist. My mother used Beltone instruments and I was not impressed by the professionalism of their sales personnel.
“At my first appointment at Alabama Hearing Associates, I felt that they were friendly, open, competent, and professional. Now, I enjoy my wife, children, and grandchildren more. I participate more effectively in meetings. If you are thinking of visiting Alabama Hearing – the sooner you start, the better.”
– Tom Keeney
‘My hearing aids have given me a new confidence in life’
“I knew I had hearing challenges for years – that I could not hear as well as others. I was sure that hearing aids would be so noticeable that everyone would see them and assume that I was older and probably had other age-related issues as well. Also, I had heard that hearing aids were so expensive that I couldn’t afford them.
“I’ve had my hearing tested before where I work, so I knew that I had experienced hearing loss, but Alabama Hearing Associates is where I went when I finally decided to seek help. I have known Jan Liles for years and knew how good a person she was and how kind and trustworthy she was.
“Everyone at Alabama Hearing Associates was professional from the start. They provided me with a lot of information but more importantly, they made sure that I was comfortable through the whole process and answered all of my questions. They also followed up with me to make sure I was doing well and experiencing no problems.
“My hearing aids have given me a new confidence in life. Instead of feeling isolated and out of touch, I feel like I’m involved again with what is going on around me. I also feel safer now while cycling or driving a car because I can hear so much better.
“Don’t put off going to see Alabama Hearing Associates, because they know what you’re going through with your hearing loss. More importantly, they know how to put you back on track to becoming an active part of your community again.”
– John M. Stephens III
‘They stabilized my hearing loss and gave me hope’
“I realized I had a hearing challenge during my college years (60s). My greatest concern was that I was going deaf and that I would not be able to function as a minister.
“Alabama Hearing was not my first choice. My first was Sears. After trying and failing, someone said to me,‘Buy your kitchen appliances at Sears, but buy your hearing aids from an audiologist.’
“I went to two local audiologists before I found the one that could really help me. Alabama Hearing in Huntsville – well worth the drive. My first visit convinced me. I found kindness, compassion, and professionalism all in one place.This is where I am to be. They stabilized my hearing loss and gave me hope. Don’t settle for anything or anyone but the best.”
– Jim Bevis
‘I didn’t realize what I wasn’t hearing until I was again’
“When attending meetings at work, I was struggling to hear what was being said. I delayed getting treatment because in my mindset, hearing aids were for older people not someone my age. Alabama Hearing Associates were highly recommended by friends and co-workers. I chose AHA because of the caring professionalism by the team. I felt as though I was at home. My first impressions of them were that they were friendly, caring, knowledgeable… the list could go on and on. Achieving better hearing has helped me in so many positive ways. I didn’t realize what I wasn’t hearing until I was again. I would tell anyone to just go. You will not be disappointed!”
– Stephen Sims
‘Better hearing has given me the capability to hear sounds, music, and conversations’
“My parents discovered my hearing loss as a young child. After visiting hearing specialists and further testing, it was determined I was born with my hearing loss. Financial cost and repairs have always been an issue.
“Alabama Hearing Associates was the first clinic that I visited since moving to Alabama. I have been wearing hearing aids since my teenage years and have learned that a certified audiologist is the best professional to trust with your hearing. I was referred by my audiologist from another state, for I knew I needed to transfer my care, have my hearing aids cleaned and checked every six months as well as if I had any issues that needed to be addressed.
“My first impressions were that everyone was very professional and friendly! Better hearing has given me the capability to hear sounds, music, and conversations I would be missing without the use of hearing aids.
“I am currently considering cochlear implants because I am in the phase of my life where I want to continue to hear more clearly and enjoy the ambiance of sound. Alabama Hearing Associates is very professional. The audiologists and staff are very friendly, informative, and care about you and your hearing needs. If you are having hearing challenges, I highly recommend you schedule an appointment in your quest for better hearing.”
– Patricia Wille
‘With my better hearing, my family is not repeating things constantly’
“I first became concerned about my hearing 3 years ago. Alabama Hearing Associates was highly recommended! They were considered the best group in our local area! At my first visit, I could tell that they cared and were concerned. Now, with my better hearing, my family is not repeating things constantly. I would tell anyone in a similar position to go and feel comfortable with your decision.”
– Marty Lawson
‘I can communicate better and do things I enjoy’
“I’ve had hearing challenges for 20+ years. I didn’t have any concerns that put me off seeking help. I was more concerned about what I was missing because of my hearing loss.
“I have been to several different places in Alabama and one in Texas. I was also an industrial hygienist for many years and was familiar with noise exposure and noise induced hearing loss. I had experience with Alabama Hearing from the Medical Center at MSFC.
“Upon my first appointment, I was impressed. Everyone was very professional and well equipped. I will need to replace my current hearing aids soon and plan to use them. With better hearing, I can communicate better and do things I enjoy.
“My work and outside activities require being able to talk with people and hear things like heartbeat, BP, and breath sounds. My advice to anyone who is concerned about their hearing would be to make the commitment to wear your hearing aids and go for it.
“But the best hearing professionals and the best hearing aids are worthless if you don’t use them. If you can stick it out until you get used to them, it will change your life. And you do have to get used to hearing aids.”
– Eddie Phillips
‘I needed some expert help and I got precisely that’
“While attending management meetings, I noticed the echo in the conference rooms combined with a/c and heaters operating were making it difficult for me to hear all the conversation. Then someone asked me a question, and I couldn’t understand what they asked. I was concerned that I had to ask friends, co-workers, and family to repeat what they were saying to me, and my situation was getting worse every day.
“My biggest fear was the visual impression when people noticed my hearing aids. But what happened was folks telling how happy they were for me and asking me what they could do to help. This is what made all the fears and concerns disappear.
“I had discussed my concerns about my hearing loss with my family doctor, and it was his recommendation that I contact Alabama Hearing Associates for an appointment. After the recommendation by my doctor, I did as much research as time would permit. Everything I read about Alabama Hearing Associates was consistently positive where other offices could not meet the same level of care I was seeking.
“Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect on day one. Once we completed the necessary hearing test to baseline my problem, then a thorough explanation of what I needed, it all was very impressive. I needed some expert help and I got precisely that.
“Life got better, real fast. We could go out to see a movie, have dinner at a restaurant. I could talk on the phone in my car. And I could hear the birds again.
“If you are considering an appointment, take a deep breath and get ready for your life to get better. You have found someone that understands your problem and they know exactly how to help you.”
– Neil Carbaugh
‘The staff were relaxed, friendly, and professional’
“People would complain about my car radio being too loud. It would also sound like it would have too much bass. Prior to my appointment, I didn’t want the hearing aids to show very much. At my first appointment, I thought the staff were relaxed, friendly, and professional. Now, I’m hearing better when I’m watching TV or talking to friends. If you are worried about your hearing, just go find out if there is a problem – it’s painless.”
– Charles Tuck
‘They have very caring staff’
“I’ve had a hearing loss since 1988. I didn’t like not being able to understand what my child was saying or not being able to hear a knock on the door, someone breaking into my home…
“I first went to Pappas Ear Clinic in Birmingham. Then I switched to Alabama Hearing, as they are closer to home. They have very caring staff.I am able to hear birds singing, have conversations, and understand what is being said.You can trust them with your hearing needs.”
– Diane McCormack
‘They go out of their way to help you’
“I developed a hearing loss 10 to 15 years ago. I was first put off getting treatment mainly because of the price and it was too much trouble getting them and wearing them.
“After visiting Alabama Hearing, I felt a lot better. They were recommended by TRUE-HEARING. At my first appointment, I thought everyone was very helpful and they’re great people to work with. They go out of their way to HELP YOU. Better hearing has changed everything you can think of. Alabama Hearing is the one and ONLY place to go.”
– Harold Cagle
‘I would highly recommend Alabama Hearing’
“It was discovered during a routine annual exam that one ear had a significant loss. Alabama Hearing was recommended by an out of town hearing specialist. I found everyone to be knowledgeable, friendly, and easy to work with. Undetermined. I would highly recommend Alabama Hearing.”
– Tina Winnett
‘I dislike not having my hearing aids in, even for a few minutes’
“I first noticed my hearing challenge in 2012. I was hesitant to seek treatment, as others said hearing aids were uncomfortable and awkward to use. Alabama Hearing was the first clinic I visited. I drove by and saw the sign.
“My first impressions were that the office was clean. The staff was courteous and prompt. Jan Liles was (and is) professional and delightful.
“My better hearing is a significant improvement. I can hear speakers. I don’t annoy people by continuing to ask them to repeat themselves. I dislike not having my hearing aids in, even for a few minutes.
“Why would you not take a step that improves your life and those around you? I’d tell anyone who is concerned about their hearing to get an assessment and information related to the severity of your hearing loss and options.”
– Ron Klein
‘It makes a BIG difference being able to hear what is going on around you’
“I realized I had a hearing challenge when my sister gave me my mom’s hearing aid after her death and said, ‘Here, you can use these.’ I then contacted Alabama Hearing Associates and they worked with me. Mom’s old hearing aids did work for awhile because I had a mild hearing loss.
“I chose Alabama Hearing because they were a rep for the kind of hearing aids I received from my Mom. I liked the way they were willing to work with me and the hearing aid that had once been my mom’s.
“It makes a BIG difference being able to hear what is going on around you. If you are thinking of making an appointment, give them a try.I think you’ll be happy with the way they work with you.”
– Susan Bidwell
‘Jan and her team care about providing excellent care’
“It was actually my husband who first realized it [my hearing loss] when I kept asking him to repeat things. My only concerns were knowing that I’d have to stick something into my ears and that I’d have to keep up with the hearing aids.
“Alabama Hearing Associates was the first and only clinic I visited. Dr. Liles is my daughter, and I had watched her study in college and graduate school, then work for years to care for her patients. My first impressions were that Jan and her team care about providing excellent care to their patients.
“Now it is much easier to communicate with my husband and others, especially in group settings like restaurants and church. If you are thinking about visiting Alabama Hearing, don’t hesitate to go for it! You will be pleased with the people and the products.”
– Mrs. Sandy Kilgo
‘It’s the perfect place to start’
“My hearing challenges began about 10 years ago. Initially, I was concerned about the expense and marginal effectiveness of hearing aids. I chose to visit Alabama Hearing on a recommendation by my physician. At my first appointment, I found the team to be very professional, courteous, and friendly.
“Using my phone is the biggest benefit. I used to struggle to understand what was being said and had to use the speaker phone close to my ear to hear it even with the hearing aids in. With my current set, the phone is connected directly to the hearing aids. Dr. Liles will give you a comprehensive understanding of what’s possible. It’s the perfect place to start.”
– Bill Hanson
‘My first impressions were excellent’
““I realized that I might have a hearing challenge when I found that I could not understand young women or children (high pitched sounds), and when my adult daughter asked me to turn down the TV volume while we were watching together.
“I chose Alabama Hearing Services because my wife had used them and been impressed with their service. My first impressions were excellent. The testing was thorough, and the explanation of what deficiencies I had was very clear and understandable.
“Better hearing has made a dramatic improvement in day-to-day life. I have better communication with everyone, and I can now hear the crickets and the birds in the yard…did not even realize that I was not hearing most of those sounds until I got the hearing aids.
“If you are thinking of making an appointment with Alabama Hearing, then definitely do it. Not only can it make a big difference in your life, but if you wait too long to have your hearing corrected, your brain tends to ‘fill in the blanks’ for what you are missing, thereby essentially rewiring your perceptions of what is being said, and at that point, hearing aids may be of far less benefit to you.”
– Jeff English, DVM
‘I’m so glad I did not hesitate’
“I became aware of my hearing loss when I was asking someone to repeat. I had trouble with hearing church service. If there was a concern at the time, it probably was cost. Alabama Hearing Associates was recommended by my physician. I was so pleased with my first appointment. Everyone was so friendly and I was also impressed with the cleanliness. They just put me at ease about the testing. Now, I feel more comfortable with communication. I’m so glad I did not hesitate.”
– Anonymous
‘I found everyone to be professional and friendly’
“Conversations began to sound muffled to me. Alabama Hearing was recommended by my insurance company. I found everyone to be professional and friendly. I can now understand conversations without having to ask people to repeat what they said. If someone is thinking about booking an appointment with them, I would recommend they do so.”
– Gary Chappelle
‘I now have more confidence when communicating’
“I realized that I had a hearing loss when my wife got irritated enough to tell me to go see a doctor. I didn’t seek treatment right away, as I got slowed down by the financial investment. My first experience was taking my mother to a hearing clinic for her own hearing aids.
“I chose Alabama Hearing because it was convenient and had a good reputation. At my first appointment, I was impressed that they were ready when I showed up and I didn’t need to wait because of over-booking.
“I now have more confidence when communicating because I don’t have to ‘fill in the blanks.’
“If you are concerned about your hearing, don’t avoid the visit for testing. Knowing how bad [your hearing is] helps to get over the decision that you need help.”
– Steven Myers
‘You will not be disappointed’
“My hearing challenge began after I went through chemotherapy for cancer. I originally got hearing aids in Maryland. When I moved to Alabama, I found Alabama Hearing Associates. They are friendly, helpful, and professional. You will not be disappointed.”
– Chris Thomsen
‘A significant opportunity to improve one of your only 5 total senses!’
“I first realized I had a hearing challenge around 5 years ago. I was concerned that I would look ‘old’ [with hearing aids], whereas I am now only 50. I have seen other audiologists but never moved beyond the ‘hearing test’ phase. They indicated I had some hearing loss but not much more than normal. However, I was definitely struggling to hear in various situations.
“I reviewed options within a 50 mile radius of my home and looked for strong ‘star’ ratings and reviews. I was impressed with Alabama Hearing’s excellent location, timely service (I was seen at, not after, the time of my appointment), strong COVID practices, comfortable environment, and outstanding customer service.
“Now, my wife is less frustrated by my ‘What?’ response and having to repeat herself (this is big!). Although it took a little while for me to really begin to sense the difference, I can hear the full spectrum of sound much better (especially high pitches, for me). I can have a lower volume on devices, etc. Also, I now can sense a ‘gap’ in sound when I don’t wear my hearing aids, almost like the sound distortion when you yawn.
“If you are considering an appointment, do it. There’s no harm, stress, etc., but possibly a significant opportunity to improve one of your only 5 total senses!”
– Eamon Walsh
‘There’s no more misunderstood phone messages’
“I was unable to hear phone conversations. Alabama Hearing Associates was my first choice. I heard about them from others. They are very good – very professional and courteous. There’s no more misunderstood phone messages.”
– William L. Pepper
‘The birds, oh my! What a joy’
“In every instance, in conversation, I found myself saying ‘Huh?’ or ‘Pardon me, would you repeat that?’ Or, I missed something. Then, many times in a group setting, I just tried to get the gist and read lips as best I could. I could pick up enough to join in some.
“It was very frustrating. I had friends who said, ‘I tried, paid big bucks, and couldn’t hear any better.’Or they’d buy them and still cannot hear. They made me so nervous.
“My daughter knew Dr. Liles and she said that she’ll tell you true. If they won’t work, she’ll tell you. Dr. Liles is honest and will be attentive to your needs.
“Guess what? SHE IS!
“I was impressed with the friendly front desk. They had big smiles and were accommodating.
“Now, I’m so much happier. I understand better, music is clearer as well as sounds around me. The birds, oh my! What a joy. I thought I heard them but I was not really hearing. Now there’s laughter and sweet whispers from my great-grandchildren! There are no words.
“If you are thinking of visiting Alabama Hearing, do it! If the doctors there cannot help you, they’ll tell you so. If they can, your life will be brighter and more fulfilling. Listen to instructions, do what they say. Be patient and give yourself grace and time to adjust. With a bit of editing, I’m singing ‘What a difference it’s made in my life.’”
– Charlotte Buster
‘I can live normally!’
“I became aware of my hearing challenge when I missed hearing important information at meetings. Alabama Hearing Associates was highly recommended. The location was close to work. At my first visit, I thought they were very thorough, informative, kind, and personal. I can live normally! I highly recommend them. I would advise anyone to be patient – it may take time to get used to wearing them [hearing aids].”
– Jody
‘I just wished I had not waited to get hearing aids’
“I realized I might have a hearing challenge when I was in a meeting and was 3 seats down from the person speaking and had to ask him what he said. I just needed to make sure it was me having a hearing loss.
“I knew another audiologist in Athens, AL, but he went out of business and they sent my files to Alabama Hearing. I needed to get my hearing aids taken care of. They are great people, nice, and I enjoyed seeing them. Better hearing has helped a lot. I just wished I had not waited to get hearing aids. I’d tell anyone to go today or when you can and see how great they are.”
– Donald Barron
‘My hearing has improved greatly’
“I realized I had a hearing challenge when I was in first grade. I grew up with it and just accepted this as how I was born. There are many physicians and providers around the country, but I chose Alabama Hearing for its location and their professional degrees.
“At my first visit, I found the team to be helpful, straightforward, and honest. I graduated from 2 hearing aids to a single cochlear implant. My hearing has improved greatly. I am now more active in a communicative way. When you visit Alabama Hearing, be open with them during your visit, and they will tell it like it is for you.”
– Lorraine Peterson
‘I can now communicate with people’
“I discovered my hearing challenge seven years ago when I was not understanding what people were saying or missing beginning of sentences and words. At the time, I felt like I did not need hearing aids, but what I was saying was I did not want people to know I had to wear hearing aids. My ego was getting in the way!
“I chose Alabama Hearing because of Jan Liles. They are very friendly and professional. I can now communicate with people with little to no issues.
“If you are considering an appointment, do not wait. You will not regret going to be checked.”
– Wesley Blake
‘I can hear birds sing in the trees again!’
“I realized I had hearing challenges when I had to play the radio and TV too loud for others. Initially, the cost and the stigma of being old and wearing ear pieces stopped me from getting treatment.
“I chose Alabama Hearing Associates after reading reviews and doing research. They are professional and understanding. I can hear birds sing in the trees again!
“If you are having trouble with your hearing, read and understand your problem. Loss of hearing may cause early dementia issues. Your quality of life will be better!”
– James Carter
‘I’m much more comfortable in social settings’
“My hearing challenges began in 2012. I had to keep turning the TV up and my wife complained it was too loud. I delayed treatment because I thought wearing hearing aids would be uncomfortable/awkward.
“I chose Alabama Hearing Associates because my neighbor was Susan. My first appointment was very positive. They were friendly, professional, and compassionate – what we had come to expect from Susan as our neighbor (and Jan as her business partner).
“Now, I’m much more comfortable in social settings. I can hear the television and wife/children much better. I’m far less frustrated over not being able to hear and giving up on trying.
“If you are thinking of visiting Alabama Hearing, do not wait. The frustration of waiting is more painful than anything they will ever ask. Make sure you discuss your goals and expectations along with levels of comfort.”
– Billie Goodson
‘Just grab your mask and go’
“My hearing challenges began 60 years ago. I learned that my hearing loss was a lifetime of high noise environments. I chose Alabama Hearing Associates because of their location and I liked the doctors. My first impressions were very favorable. They were competent. Better hearing has made my relationship with my wife better. If you are considering an appointment, just grab your mask and go.”
– Bill Knuth
‘I heard a bird and it made me jump’
“My hearing loss is congenital, but I wasn’t diagnosed until I was in my late 40s. I was teaching at a university that had a hearing and speech department. One of the students needed volunteers to test as part of her degree. I volunteered and she discovered a significant hearing loss. The department head met with me. But I pretty much dismissed the information at the time.
“It was 15+ years later that I went to Alabama Hearing Associates. It was a matter of priorities and lack of time. Our son was active in soccer, Scouts, hockey, and school activities. My husband and I were both working, so our days were a blur.
“I had serious infections in both ears and was referred to a local ENT by my primary doctor. The ENT suggested that I see Jan for a hearing assessment.
“My first impressions were absolutely wonderful. The office was clean and inviting, and the staff was professional and friendly.
“One of the first things I remember after I got my hearing aids was when I was driving home. I had the top down on my convertible and stopped at a traffic light on a two-lane road. I heard a bird chirp and it made me jump. I’d not been able to hear birds from a distance before.
“In addition, I enjoyed conversations and TV more. My family didn’t have to listen to me say ‘Huh?’ constantly. I think they enjoyed my better hearing as much as I did.
“Go NOW if you suspect you have a hearing loss. The staff will make you feel comfortable and will work with you to find the hearing aids that will benefit you most.”
– Brenda
‘I have experienced a high level of a genuinely caring service’
“I first noticed my hearing challenges in possibly the year 2000. I chose to visit Alabama Hearing Associates because I was dissatisfied with my first hearing aids and the[my previous audiologist’s] declining level of service provided after the first couple of years. So after hearing radio ads, I decided to try AHA.
“My level of hearing, while greatly improved, is not and will probably never return to what I experienced and probably took for granted most of my life. With my better hearing, I’m inclined to make a greater effort to be more involved in family or group discussions due to improved hearing aid technology.
“If you are thinking of going to AHA, definitely give them the opportunity to address your hearing problems. I have great confidence in the level of professional credentials, experience, and ongoing training provided by Drs. Jan and Susan and their staff. I have experienced a high level of a genuinely caring service that I did not find with the first clinic I went to.”
– Kelly
‘They werefriendly, thorough, and had very good communication’
“My hearing challenges began a long time ago and I just did not want to deal with it. I didn’t have any worries or concerns, really – my delay was more of a pride issue. I had talked to others [hearing clinics] over the years. AHA were the first to really detail issues and potential downstream problems. They were recommended by my physician.
“My first impressions were that they were friendly, thorough, and had very good communication. Now, with better hearing, I have less frustration. I’m not missing as much conversation. If you think you might have a hearing loss, be honest with yourself!!!”
– Ron Gant
‘I found them to be friendly and professional’
“I noticed that I had a hearing challenge a couple of years ago, and I wanted to solve the problem as quickly as possible. I decided to go to Alabama Hearing because they were close to work/home and they had good reviews. I found them to be friendly and professional.
“Now, I’m able to join in conversations in a restaurant or crowded room. I can continue to teach school. Go today! Don’t delay!”
– Carol Hervias
‘They are professional, knowledgeable, and understanding’
“I began having hearing challenges when I was in my fifties. At my first visit to Alabama Hearing Associates, I liked the staff. They are professional, knowledgeable, and understanding. Having better hearing has helped me to communicate with other people. If you think you have a hearing loss, don’t hesitate to make an appointment.”
– Don Helman
‘It might be the best thing you ever do for yourself’
“I lost my hearing catastrophically after chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. I didn’t have any preconceived fears about getting treatment. I was more concerned about getting hearing aids at 28. I was embarrassed.
“I went to UAB first because that is where my cancer treatment was. Dr. Liles was so helpful – I went to her to get fitted for aids. My first impressions were a 10/10 – would recommend it. She calmed my nerves and helped me along the beginning stages of my journey as a deaf human. She continues to be a godsend when things aren’t going smoothly.
“I can once again perform on par with my colleagues. I can interact well with peers. And I can safely live alone.
“If you are thinking of going to Alabama Hearing Associates, do it. If it isn’t for you after a visit – fine. But give what they have to say a chance. It might be the best thing you ever do for yourself.”
– Harper-Grace
‘My first impression of them was very good’
“My hearing challenge goes back several years. Mine was brought about by aircraft engine noise. I thought volume was the problem when in fact, clarity was and still is the culprit. AHA is the only place I have been. At first, for convenience, now it is the professionalism. My first impression of them was very good – it kept me coming! Having better hearing has brought me back to whatever normal is for a pretty natural introvert.
“Some advice if you are considering going to AHA: Listen to the clarity pitch – it is very important. The trend among people who know you have a hearing problem is that they just want to speak louder. Garble is garble, loud or quiet!”
– Vern Stork
‘They were very sincere about wanting to get the best solution for my problem’
“At work, years ago, I was having trouble hearing people in meetings and in crowded places. I thought just really old people needed hearing aids and I was in denial that I had issues.
“I had been tested in another facility out of state years before and was told I had poor hearing and they wanted to sell me some [hearing aids] that day. It was a real hard sell guilt trip like at a car dealership. So, I just walked away and put off getting anything done thinking, incorrectly, that all these people were the same.
“Looking back on it now, I realize I was just hurting myself and could have looked around for a better practice to help me, but I was stubborn and in denial.
“I had heard very good things about Alabama Hearing Associates through friends and online reviews, so I set up an appointment. I was not disappointed. They were very sincere about wanting to get the best solution for my problem and also keeping my budget in mind.
“Better hearing has helped in many ways. I don’t feel as isolated, and I am not as frustrated about not being able to hear certain things people are saying to me and having to ask them to repeat over and over, which is embarrassing. Also, on a safety point, I am able to hear emergency vehicles much further away than before, giving me more time to react.
“If you are thinking about visiting Alabama Hearing Associates, then please make the appointment.Jan and her team will accommodate you and make sure you get the best solution for your issues and not push you into anything you don’t feel comfortable with. They are really there to help. I know because they helped me!”
– Lee Stewart
‘I felt they cared’
“My hearing challenges started 11 years ago. I put off further treatment because I didn’t think hearing aids would make much difference based on my first experience.
“Eventually, I needed a repair on a hearing aid and found Alabama Hearing Associates on Google. They were friendly and professional. I felt they cared.
“How has better hearing helped me?OMG, I used to shy away from conversations and meetings because I was extremely insecure because I couldn’t understand what was being said. I absolutely recommend AHA.”
– Carl Lutton
‘I’d be lost in silence without them’
“I thought that I might have a hearing challenge when I just found myself asking others to repeat themselves. In groups, I’d just smile and not be able to participate in the conversations.
“I tried two surgeries first before coming to Alabama Hearing Associates. Neither one was completely successful. Hearing aids were a great option. I tried surgery before through two different doctors. AHA introduced me to the second doctor in Birmingham. They worked with me after that to get me set up with hearing aids. My doctor recommended them. They are smart, friendly, and very caring staff.
“Now, my hearing is so much better. In the time I’ve been with AHA, I’ve gone from one hearing aid to two. I have had three different types through the years. I have to admit, hearing aids don’t give you back perfect hearing. But, I’d be lost in silence without them.
“If you are thinking of going to AHA, then take the leap. Go and talk with them about what you are experiencing. Hearing issues can start at any age. I was in my 30s when mine started. Visiting AHA was a great decision for me. Don’t wait and suffer. You miss out on so much if you keep putting it off. Good Luck!”
– Ann Margaret Chapman
‘I was impressed that they wasted no time zeroing in on my hearing issue’
“I noticed that I had a hearing loss when I had to ask others to repeat themselves. At first, I delayed seeking treatment because getting old is hard. Parts of your body don’t function like they used to. Hearing aids make you look older.
“A friend of mine referred me to Alabama Hearing Associates. I was impressed that they wasted no time zeroing in on my hearing issue– understanding a conversation in a noisy environment.
“Now, I hear things much better– especially in the higher frequency ranges. I have now integrated my hearing aids into my life –their value to me is important. “
“I’d put the decision off for weeks. I was a real grump bear on my first visit but quickly changed my attitude to finally accepting that I needed some help with my hearing. No regrets.
“If you are thinking of booking an appointment, just go and take the test. It’s not that subjective. It doesn’t hurt. You’ll find out the truth if you need hearing assistance.”
– Joseph Griffin
‘My social and everyday life is enriched’
“I’ve had a hearing challenge for most of my life. It became more pronounced as I got older. It was probably the expense that first held me back from getting help. Also, adjusting to getting the right hearing aid for my hearing loss.
“My best decision was to change my provider to Alabama Hearing. My association with and confidence in Dr.JanLiles is why I chose them. She was patient, fully explaining all options in easy to understand terms.
“Now, my social and everyday life is enriched by being able to hear and understand conversations. I always recommend Alabama Hearing as the best. The process of getting the right hearing aid for my needs was made easier by fully understanding my options.”
– Shirley Faul
‘With better hearing, I can hear my wife clearly’
“My hearing challenges began in 1990. Alabama Hearing wasn’t my first hearing care provider. The previous vendor had gone out of business and Dr. Liles took over his patients. She was very caring. Dr. Liles explained everything.
“With better hearing, I can hear my wife clearly. I can hear my work associates better. I can hear my boss’s instructions better. I’d advise anyone to stop by and get acquainted.”
– Claire W Jones Jr.
‘Dr. Jan is fabulous!’
“In July 2010, I developed a consistent ‘wooshing’ sound in my left ear. Not long after that, I realized that the hearing in that ear was diminished. I was scared, of course, and sought help originally with an ENT.
“They did an MRI of my head to determine if there was any physical reason for the noise and hearing loss. They did not see anything on the MRI to indicate a physical reason for this to be occurring. They felt that I might have Meniere’s disease and cochlear hydrops and referred me to the Shea Clinic in Memphis.
“Long story short – I had steroid injections in my ear that did not help and my hearing continued to decline. I started with an ENT, was referred to the Shea Clinic in Memphis, and finally got the help I needed at Alabama Hearing Associates. I was referred to Dr. Jan by a friend of mine. I found her at Alabama Hearing Associates and got my first hearing aid!
“It helped for quite a while and she made the necessary adjustments as I needed them. the people were all SO nice, and Dr. Jan is fabulous!
“At the time my hearing started to decline, I was still an elementary school teacher. I had trouble understanding my students. The hearing aid helped a lot. It also helped in situations (like restaurants or stores) where there was a lot of background noise.
“Please call them and talk and share your concerns. They will do everything they can to help.”
– Jackie Beck
‘I’m not afraid to answer my phone or talk to people in general anymore!’
“I realized I had a hearing loss about 30 years ago. At first, I put off seeking help because I was afraid of paying a ton of money on technology that wouldn’t work for me.
“The first [audiologist] was a place in San Antonio, TX about 10 years ago. The audiologist there was just a hearing aid salesman who knew nothing about the technology or how to make it work for me.
“But with Alabama Hearing, I was very impressed! Cutting edge tech, super friendly folks, and doctors who are very knowledgeable and compassionate. Now, with my better hearing, I’m not afraid to answer my phone or talk to people in general anymore!
“When you make an appointment, bring your significant other with you because it will open their eyes to your daily experience with hearing loss and also help the doctor in getting an idea of how best to help you.”
– Mike Clarke
‘They listen to what you say.’
Rob’s hearing loss became noticeable approximately 15-20 years ago. While he wanted to have it treated, one obstacle stood in his way.
He explains, “I visited the VA a number of times, but the report I kept getting back was the hearing loss did not warrant hearing aids.”
As the years passed by, his hearing continued to decline. Eventually, Rob decided to take matters into his own hands after seeing some of Alabama Hearing Associates’ advertising. “My wife had an issue with how loud I needed the TV to hear it for a number of years,” he says. “I finally went to Alabama Hearing and got some hearing aids at my own cost.”
Rob says his first impressions of the team were “excellent.” His results are also very good. He notes, “I can hear/understand normal conversation and the TV.”
He rates Alabama Hearing Associates a 10/10 and says, “I would recommend Alabama Hearing Associates. They listen to what you say, are very caring, and will take whatever time is needed to complete what’s needed to be done, and explain things and answer any questions you may have. I am on my fourth set of hearing aids.”
– Rob Archer
‘Friendly, kind, helpful, knowledgeable, and professional.’
Oftentimes, one of the signs of hearing loss is the inability to understand women’s and children’s voices because the higher frequencies are the first to become distorted. This is exactly what happened to Beverly, who recalls, “I had trouble understanding my small grandchild.”
Although she didn’t have any major concerns prior to her appointment, she did have mixed feelings about the prospect of needing hearing aids. Beverly says, “I wished I didn’t have this problem but was happy there were hearing aids easier to use than the ones my dad tried to use.”
She decided to try Alabama Hearing Associates, as it was “recommended by a friend’s daughter completing an audiologist degree at Auburn.” Beverly acknowledges it was a good decision. She says, “Every person I came in contact with was friendly, kind, helpful, knowledgeable, and professional.”
Beverly soon became accustomed to her new hearing aids and says, “I couldn’t get along without my hearing aids. I love how easy they are to wear, adjust, and appreciate. I can tell when I don’t have them in like when swimming. They are wonderful.”
When asked if others should make an appointment with Alabama Hearing Associates, she replies, “Go ahead. You will be glad you did.”
– Beverly Young
It is often the small things that hold us back from making a decision. That’s why we are on hand to help.
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