Having healthy ears is important for good hearing and understanding speech. Whether you have hearing loss or not, taking care of your hearing is just as important as keeping a healthy weight or caring for your skin. Here are some simple tips to help you improve your...
Tinnitus is when you hear sounds that aren’t really there. People often call it “ringing in the ears,” but it can also sound like humming, buzzing, thumping, or grinding. This condition affects about 15-20% of people in the United States,...
Tinnitus, commonly referred to as the ringing in the ears, can be a distressing condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can manifest as a constant or intermittent noise, such as ringing, buzzing, hissing, or whistling, and can significantly impact...
Alabama Hearing Associates has audiologists providing expert hearing care and hearing solutions, including hearing aids, hearing accessories, and ear wax removal in Huntsville and Madison, AL. Here at Alabama Hearing Associates, we pride ourselves on always putting...
While often overlooked, ear wax plays an important role in protecting our ears from dirt, debris, infection, and irritation. However, excessive ear wax buildup can lead to discomfort, impaired hearing, and even temporary hearing loss. While there are numerous...
Hearing is more than just sound—it’s connection. It’s the laughter of loved ones, the rhythm of music, and the everyday moments that make life rich and fulfilling. At Alabama Hearing Associates, we understand how deeply hearing loss can affect your life, and we’re...
Have a question or want some professional guidance? Please complete this form and a member of our team will call you for a friendly, no-obligation conversation.
Your hearing loss didn't occur overnight, so it will take some time to adjust to the hearing aids. Your patience and persistence will be well worth it.
To ensure the most success with your hearing devices, we measure the benefits of amplification at the end of your adjustment period—some of the surveys and tests included in the “Connect 365” Functional Hearing Assessment will be repeated to evaluate progress, quality of life, and patient satisfaction with the hearing aids.
Wireless Connections
Most hearing aids automatically come with wireless streaming from smartphones and it has been a lifesaver for those that are working remotely and spending hours on teleconferences. As for other wireless accessories, the two most popular solutions are a small microphone used in less-than-ideal listening environments and a TV streamer that streams the TV’s sound directly into your ears—which can be a lifesaver when watching British TV shows or during football season. If your audiologist believes they would be beneficial for you, they will discuss your options and demonstrate the device in the office.
Orientation, Counseling, and Follow-up
Dr. Cliff (the creator of the Best Practice Pro Network) said it best:
“Having a detailed orientation can dramatically improve how much success you have with hearing treatment. Counseling & Follow-up care can also ensure that you have success for years to come. Regular visits to a hearing care provider who spends the time to discuss treatment related information and who will maintain your devices is extremely important.”
During the orientation, your provider will give you the tools you need to be a successful hearing aid user. Everyone has different learning styles and we want to make sure whatever works best for you is what’s used. After the 75 day adjustment period, routine checkups are necessary to maintain the hearing aids and to ensure optimal hearing healthcare.
What Is Real-Ear Measurement?
Real-ear measurement (REM) is how an audiologist knows that hearing aids are working the way they should in each patient’s ears.
Ears are as unique as a fingerprint. Because of this, every ear will collect sounds differently.
Even if I had two patients with the exact same hearing loss and hearing aids, there’s almost no chance the hearing aids would be programmed the same way.
How do I know my new hearing aids are working properly?
Without verifying that the hearing aid is working correctly from the start, all of the other steps in the hearing aid fitting process are useless. The most sensitive quality control measure is something called Electroacoustic Analysis. We complete EAA on every new set of hearing aids, before delivery of repaired devices, and on an annual basis.
Prescription Hearing Technology with a Methodical Plan
Our community understands better than most what can be achieved when you combine technology with human intelligence and persistence. It is much the same with hearing technology.
The latest prescription hearing aid technology is incredibly powerful, offering stellar sound quality and performance. Wireless connections allow phone calls, music and television to stream directly to your hearing aids for exceptional clarity.
But hearing aids do not fit and program themselves! For best outcomes, you also need the human touch and expertise provided by our Doctors of Audiology.
A Comprehensive12-Step Functional Hearing Assessment
If you struggle to understand conversations in social situations, restaurants, or other noisy environments, you do not need to schedule a basic hearing test. You certainly don’t need to schedule a “free” hearing screening or online hearing test.
You need to schedule a “Connect 365” Functional Hearing Assessment at Alabama Hearing Associates!
Comprehensive 5-Year treatment plan with premium prescription hearing aid technology
If you want premium “out of this world” technology and the highest level of service and expert support, our All-Inclusive treatment plan is the right investment for you.
The All-Inclusive treatment plan offers long-term value for your on-the-go lifestyle, providing everything you need to connect with family and friends for years to come.
• Stellar prescription hearing devices from top manufacturer (rechargeable option available)
• Wireless accessory included at no charge
• Comprehensive Annual Visit including hearing assessment, hearing device adjustment, and 19-Point preventative maintenance valutaion
• Bi-annual hearing aid software update and reprogramming
• Same day diagnosis and in-office repair during weekdays for devices dropped off before 3:00 p.m.
• 5-Year full-service repair warranty
• Unlimited remote hearing aid adjustments
• 100% moisture removal by Redux and cleaning
• Hearing aid supplies (stock receivers, batteries, domes and filters)
• $1000 contribution towards purchase of upgraded technology within 48 months
• 3-Year replacement warranty for loss or damage (no deductible)
• Dedicated team of hearing care experts at your service
• Unlimited teleaudiology appointments
• Access to our “speed of light” repair specialists
Basic Hearing Test
A basic hearing test begins with an air conduction test. You will be seated in a soundproof booth and single-use, foam earphones will be inserted into your ear canals. The Audiologist will ask you to push a button or raise your hand when you barely hear a series of beeps (tones) presented at various frequencies (pitches) to obtain your air conduction thresholds.
To determine whether your hearing loss is a conductive (mechanical) loss, sensorineural (permanent) loss or combination of the two, we perform a bone conduction test.
For this test, a head band is place on the bone behind one of the ears to obtain your bone conduction thresholds. This process provides a different form of sound transmission using vibration, which bypasses the eardrum and the middle ear bones and directly stimulates the auditory nerve. When you hear the beeps/tones, you will push a button or raise your hand.
If bone conduction thresholds are better than air conduction thresholds (through the foam inserts), you have a conductive hearing loss. This suggests a problem with the mechanical structures (moving parts) of the ears.
Conductive hearing loss is often a medically treatable condition for which we will provide you with a referral to an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) physician. However, if bone and air conduction thresholds match, it indicates a sensorineural hearing loss (permanent), and the treatment will likely involve hearing aids.