Best Way to Clean Ears

Best Way to Clean Ears

As practicing audiologists, we are frequently asked about the best methods for cleaning ears. Maintaining proper ear hygiene is the most basic practice for optimal ear health and hearing function. While it’s natural to feel the need to clean your ears,...
How To Use Earwax Removal Drops

How To Use Earwax Removal Drops

While often overlooked, earwax plays an important role in protecting our ears from dirt, debris, infection, and irritation. However, excessive earwax buildup can lead to discomfort, impaired hearing, and even temporary hearing loss. While there are numerous...
VA Hearing Aids

VA Hearing Aids

Living with hearing loss can be a challenging experience, affecting various aspects of life, from communication to overall well-being. Fortunately, for veterans who have experienced hearing loss as a result of their service, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)...