Hearing the Call: Rocket City 

Hearing the Call: Rocket City 

The Story Behind Hearing The Call Rocket City In January 2020, Alabama Hearing Associates joined Entheos Audiology Cooperative, a group of audiologists around the country who provide high-quality hearing healthcare to those in need, both locally and globally. For...
‘Best Practices’ Guidelines

‘Best Practices’ Guidelines

How do I know my hearing aids are fit correctly? In 2006, the American Academy of Audiology published “Guidelines for the Audiologic Management of Adult Hearing Impairment.” These guidelines were intended to provide a set of standards or “Best Practices” for the...
Diabetes And Ear Health

Diabetes And Ear Health

November is National Diabetes Month, because of this, I wanted to highlight the relationship between diabetes and ear health (hearing and balance). While hearing loss can happen for many reasons, having diabetes and pre-diabetes puts you at a significantly higher risk...